While some people prefer to wear in-ear hearing aids, others favour behind-the-ear (BTE) models. These traditional hearing aids have some benefits. What are they?

1. Help For Different Types of Hearing Loss

You can't always choose a type of hearing aid based on preference. Not all hearing aids suit all types of hearing loss or problems.

For example, if you have severe hearing loss, then you might not be able to wear an in-the-ear device. These devices typically work better for less severe conditions.

You're on safer ground if you choose a BTE device. These hearing aids can help with all levels of deafness. Even if you have profound hearing problems, you should see some benefits from wearing BTE aids.

2. Easy Use and Control

Some in-ear hearing aids are very small and discreet. While you might like the idea of an aid that is hard for other people to notice, you might find these devices difficult to use.

For example, you might find it hard to grasp small in-ear devices. It might take you a while to get them in and out of your ears. You might drop them when you try to pick them up.

Smaller devices also have smaller controls which are often closer together. You might get frustrated if you can't control your hearing aids quickly and easily because you keep touching the wrong button or part of the device.

Even if you use a micro BTE hearing aid, these devices are easier to use and control. Their larger size makes them easier to pick up, hold and use. They have more space for controls, so you'll find it easier to change the way your aids work in the ear without making mistakes.

3. Longer Battery Life

Your hearing aids will only work while the batteries are charged. Even if you charge your aids regularly, some devices won't hold a working charge for longer periods. You could be left without hearing aids if you can't get home to charge them or change their batteries.

BTE hearing aids usually have larger batteries than smaller aids. Their bigger size means that they can hold larger batteries. Larger batteries are typically more powerful and last for longer.

So, your hearing aids should last for longer on each battery or charge. You shouldn't run out of power as much even if you can't charge your hearing aids to your regular schedule.

To learn more about BTE hearing aids, talk to your hearing clinic.
